Vina Camping

Guest Posting Guidelines

Want to submit a guest post to Vina Camping?  Please carefully read these guidelines first!

I’ve receive tons of guest post requests per day.  Most of the requests are completely generic and from sites not at all related to camping/outdoors niche.  Oh, and a lot of the emails contain grammatical errors. :/  If you can’t write a proper email, I am NOT going to let you submit a guest post!

To be considered, you must:

  • Tell me which site you are promoting.
  • Pitch some ideas.
  • Tell me who you are and why you will be a good fit for Vina Camping.
  • Have absolutely no grammar errors in your email.
  • Let me know which links you want to include in the guest post.

***I do NOT allow links to affiliate-style posts.  So, if you try to link to a “Top 10 Products” posts, the guest post will be rejected and/or the link will be deleted.

You must let me know which posts you would link to.  Any links in the post which were not pre-cleared by me may be deleted.  So no trying to sneakily include client links in the post.

Preferably, the guest post is something you have first-hand experience with. Ideally, you even have your own photos (I don’t care if they aren’t professional quality so long as they tell your story).

Here are examples of guest posts which I would accept:

  • My Experience Hiking the PCT Trail in April
  • Hiking as a 40-Year Old with Joint Problems
  • Visiting Zion with Kids

Obviously, these types of posts can’t be outsourced to some cheap, crappy writer – so be prepared to have your guest post request rejected if you can’t write a first-hand account yourself.

What about sponsored posts?

In some situations, I do accept sponsored posts or paid links.  Please contact me for more details.  In your email, INCLUDE THE NAME OF THE SITE YOU WANT TO PROMOTE.  Ideally, you also include the links you want to include.  Obviously, I can’t include links which compete with my own site.  So, if I already have an article about the topic, I can’t link to your post.