Mom Goes Camping

Using a Convertible Bike Trailer as a Hiking Stroller

If you plan on cycling with your children in a bike trailer, then you might want to consider this: get a convertible bike trailer/stroller.  However, there are some things to consider before using a bike trailer as your off-road stroller. Here are the pros/cons.

Also read: Best Off-Road Strollers for Hiking


You’ll Save Money

Bike trailers and all-terrain strollers are expensive.  Bike trailers that can also be used as strollers tend to be even pricier, but it’s still cheaper than buying two pieces of gear.


Bike Trailer/Strollers Are Covered

Sure, you can get a rain cover for a stroller, but it is nothing like the spacious bubble of a covered bike trailer.  That makes bike trailers better for snow.


Can Be Used for Multiple Sports

Some bike trailers can be converted for jogging and skiing.  That will make it much easier to get outdoors with your child, regardless of the season!



Bike Trailers Are Only for Older Children

Even though some bike trailers come with inserts for infants, they should only be used for children one year and up.

As explained at Ice Bike, the one-year rule is because bike trailers don’t offer the smoothest ride.  Bike trailers are positioned closer to the ground, which  is good for protecting against falls but not for dampening shock.

Further, the wheels of bike trailers are positioned directly under your child.  Regardless of how good the suspension system is, your child will feel bumps.

This isn’t an issue with older children, but the bumpiness can be dangerous for young babies who have soft spots in their skulls and can’t hold themselves upright.


Are Harder to Maneuver

In general, convertible bike trailers/strollers are larger and bulkier than all-terrain strollers.  This makes them harder to maneuver and heavier to push.  This isn’t much of an issue for off-road use, but it makes them annoying for everyday use – especially in tight places.

If you do want to use a bike trailer/stroller for everyday, then get one that can be converted into a four wheel stroller.  The general consensus is that these are much easier to maneuver.  The Thule Chariot, for example, has the option of converting to a 3-wheel or a 4-wheel stroller.

thule chariot all terrain stroller bike trailer

Thule Chariot converts into a 3 or 4-wheel stroller, plus a trailer and sled!

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About the author /

Diane Vukovic grew up camping and backpacking in upstate New York. Now, she takes her own daughters on wilderness adventures so they can connect with nature and learn resiliency. With dozens of trips under her belt, Diane is an expert in minimalist camping, going lightweight, planning, and keeping her kids entertained without screens.

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