Mom Goes Camping

Dehydrated Carrot Cake Backpacking Breakfast

dehydrated carrot cake backpacking breakfast idea

I like to experiment with dehydrating random things for backpacking.  A lot of times, they end up being complete fails (lots of things don’t rehydrate well).   But this dehydrated carrot cake was definitely not a fail!  Even my picky kids ate it up for breakfast. 


Caloric Density

Even before you dehydrate it, carrot cake is already pretty calorie-dense.  There are usually around 416 calories in 100 grams of carrot cake without icing.  Obviously, this is going to vary depending on the recipe you use.  Recipes with a lot of oil and sugar will obviously have more calories than healthier versions.

Once you dehydrate it, the carrot cake ends up being even more calorie-dense.   My carrot cake ended up losing 30% to 40% of its weight once dried.  I calculated that it had 160 calories per oz (or nearly 6 calories per gram)!

Also read: Best Calorie-Dense Healthy Foods for Backpacking



At Home:

  1. Make or buy carrot cake (without icing). I used this vegan recipe.  Note that I used mashed bananas instead of applesauce in the recipe.
  2. Cut the carrot cake into cubes. Mine were about 1 inch by 1 inch.  Try to make them equal sizes.
  3. Dehydrate until the cubes become hard like croutons. No moisture should come out when you squeeze the cubes.

dehydrated carrot cake


In the Field:

  1. Rehydrate some powdered milk. I like coconut milk.
  2. Add the dehydrated carrot cake cubes to the milk.
  3. Let it sit for a minute and eat like cereal.  If you let them sit too long, they will eventually turn to mush.  It’s a tasty mush, but I prefer them to retain their texture a bit.
  4. You can also munch on the cubes as a snack (they will be crunchy).

dehydrated carrot cake backpacking on the trail instructions

Immediately after adding it to the milk

It softens after soaking in the milk


There are also tons of other cakes and baked goods you can dehydrate.  For example, I sometimes dehydrate pancakes to bring backpacking.  I rehydrate them in milk and eat them like cereal. I also heard of one backpacker who dehydrates Costco Coffeecake Muffins.  They come out to around 160 calories/oz.

Seriously, experiment with dehydrating and you’ll be amazed at how much better your backpacking meals become.

Btw, if you want more meal ideas, check out my book: Gourmet As Heck Dehydrator Backpacking Meals.backpacking dehydrator recipes ebook

Get It Here

About the author /

Diane Vukovic grew up camping and backpacking in upstate New York. Now, she takes her own daughters on wilderness adventures so they can connect with nature and learn resiliency. With dozens of trips under her belt, Diane is an expert in minimalist camping, going lightweight, planning, and keeping her kids entertained without screens.

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